Saturday, September 25, 2010

Ha Ha Ha

................................without going into detail, I have not been updating simply because I .................forgot my password!! So, Im back on track now with lots to tell. Lots of images to upload, its been a mixed year so far. We went to Aceh again....loving it more and more each time...however, my mother passed away suddenly in March, so I was back in NZ, submerged in family and decisions and disbelief.

I promise, now that Ive remembered my passwords , to update soon.

Marks parents arrive from Scotland tomorrow, and we are all very excited, and madly cleaning Glayva.Will catch up soon.

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Yes, we are still alive.............

With the onslaught of FACE BOOK, and other instant online easy ways to keep in touch, I have to admit I have neglected our BLOG. Along with the fact that now we can be considered EXPATS in Malaysia, it seems like there isnt alot of exciting writting to be done!

But wait, that's not entirely true...

Stories have been published, business created, A VAN and a Motorbike purchased, has resumed, and we are terripin sitting, and that dosent mean we are sitting ON the terripin.
Based currently in Rebak,Langkawi, we are all alive and well, nestling into the New Ship Wright services business here. Arran is now in grade 6 and Namara in 7, and home schooling is going just far! There is a splattering of kids here to entertain each other, and admitably, the world here is fantastic for them. Swimming pool, tennis court, pool!

Will update some images after I make a cup of tea, as the BIG DADDY BEAR has just emerged from his cave...........and looks in need of some caffine. Take care all....